Bruce Perkins shares his heartbreak as his son Tim struggles in prison. Once a promising rugby player, Tim’s life took a dark turn due to drugs and now his future is uncertain.

Tim was once on track to play for Wales. He had a bright future ahead, excelling in music and sports. But when Covid hit, everything changed. His contract ended, and he turned to drugs.
In October, Tim was sentenced to 31 months for dealing heroin and crack cocaine. He got caught trying to fund his own drug use. Now, he’s in a prison known for its issues, including drug deaths and corruption.
Bruce has been trying to get Tim the ADHD medication he needs. He says the prison and health board have ignored his pleas. Tim’s mental health is getting worse, and Bruce fears for his son’s safety.
Tim grew up with plenty of opportunities. He played music and sports, and he was a hard worker. But the pandemic took a toll on him. His struggles with mental health worsened, leading him down a dark path.
He got arrested after police found drugs in his car. Tim didn’t have any previous convictions, and the judge saw potential in him. Bruce was shocked when he learned about Tim’s situation. They had no idea he was involved with drugs.
Since being in prison, Tim has had a tough time without his ADHD meds. Bruce visited him once, and it was hard. They talk on the phone weekly, but Tim hasn’t fully accepted what’s happened.
Despite everything, Tim is trying to stay active. He played rugby in prison and even scored five tries. He’s working out daily and teaching others. Bruce believes Tim can turn his life around, but he needs his medication.
Bruce is frustrated with the lack of communication from the prison and health board. He’s worried about the future, especially with G4S running the prison. He thinks it’s wrong to profit from incarceration. Bruce just wants the best for his son and hopes for change.