Bridgend’s council tax may rise by 4.5% as budget cuts loom, impacting meals-at-home and other essential services for residents

Bridgend: So, the council’s got some big news. They’re looking at a 4.5% hike in council tax for the next financial year. It’s all part of their budget plans, which are trying to balance the books despite some serious financial pressures.
This budget covers everything from staff salaries to building upkeep. They’re set to present these plans to the cabinet soon, and they want to hear what the public thinks. It’s all about getting feedback before they make any final decisions.
Now, the Welsh Government did give them a bit of a boost with a 4% funding increase. But even with that, they’re still facing tough choices. Services like homelessness support and social care are in high demand, which means cuts are still on the table.
The proposed budget is around £383 million, but they’re dealing with some hefty pressures. They’re looking at potential cuts to services, including the meals-at-home program, which is a big deal for many folks.
They might also review school transport and even cut back on counseling services. Plus, there’s talk of making some efficiency savings that could lead to staff redundancies. It’s a tough spot for everyone involved.
On top of that, they’re considering reducing CCTV coverage and hiking fees for bulky waste and burial services. It’s a lot to take in, and the council knows they have to manage public expectations while dealing with a shrinking budget.
Council leader John Spanswick mentioned that even with the extra funding, they still need to find millions in savings. They’re asking the public to weigh in on which services should get priority in the upcoming budget. It’s a tricky situation, and they’re hoping for some good input from the community.